500 days to go before the Paralympic Games Paris 2024

Monday, 17 april 2023

The opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games Paris 2024 will be taking place in less than 500 days. Groupe BPCE companies are supporting 68 para-athletes as they prepare for this exceptional event.

On Sunday April 16, there were just 500 days to go before the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games Paris 2024. From August 28, 2024 to September 8, 2024, the entire planet will be applauding the exploits of the world’s foremost athletes. But these games are about much more than just athletic prowess; they also provide a unique opportunity to change people’s attitudes towards disability.

As a Premium Partner of the Paralympic Games Paris 2024, Groupe BPCE and all its brands are mobilizing to enable the different French regions and localities to share the intense emotions generated by these Games and to help build, above and beyond the Paralympic Games Paris 2024, a more inclusive society thanks, in particular, to the values of sport. 

Supporting and accompanying elite French athletes and para-athletes from all of France is one of our commitments. In the lead-up to the Paralympic Games Paris 2024, Groupe BPCE companies are currently supporting a group of 68 para-athletes, comprised of 26 women and 42 men. Thanks to a series of sponsorship, training and vocational retraining initiatives, these companies are building individualized relationships with each of them in order to support them in the realization of their twin sporting and professional projects. 

A total of 220 elite athletes and para-athletes from all parts of mainland and overseas France currently benefit from the support system set up by Groupe BPCE companies and, as such, comprise the largest sponsored group of high-level athletes in France.

The full list of all the athletes supported by the Group is available HERE 

Take a look at the portraits of a number of our para-athletes: Dimitri JOZWICKI – Para-athlétisme/SprintErika SAUZEAU – Para-avironLucas MAZUR – Para-badminton, Adib EL SARAKBAY – Para-dressageTanguy DE LA FOREST – Para-tirGaëlle EDON – Para-tir 10 m, Cédric FEVRE – Para-tir 10 m. They tell us about their preparation and the upcoming milestones leading to Paris 2024

We’re on our way to 2024!

“We share the same flame”

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