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Tuesday, 5 october 2021
The new emblem of the French Olympic & Paralympic team was unveiled on Monday as the 100-day countdown to the Winter Games Beijing 2022 begins.
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A rooster staring at the world straight in the eye for a proud team intent on winning: this is the new emblem of the French Olympic & Paralympic team. After a unified French team was created in April this year, this new emblem marks a second step in the unification process: the creation of a single identity. Olympic and Paralympic athletes competing in the Winter and Summer Games will now wear the same emblem, and they will do so until 2024.
This is more than a new emblem; it also represents a new direction and, above all, a new state of mind that this French Olympic & Paralympic Team is determined to embody until Paris 2024: an attitude focused on victory and performance, the expression of determination and pride in hosting the Games at home. The athletes have set their minds on a single objective: to bring the holy grail of victory back to France!
The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games will be celebrated on February 4, 2022, in less than 100 days, and will provide an opportunity for the athletes of the French team to display this new emblem for the very first time.
For further details, visit the Paris 2024 website