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Tuesday 17 september 2024
On the occasion of the Parade of Champions on the Champs-Elysées, Groupe BPCE welcomed its leaders and employees on Saturday September 14, as well as the Olympic and Paralympic athletes supported by its brands and companies.
For the last time, the event was held at the Petit Palais, the Paris museum of which Groupe BPCE is a major sponsor, an exceptional venue which, all summer long, has welcomed our clients, employees and the many athletes who have come to celebrate their victories.
At the end of this festive event, the athletes present and around a hundred employees from our companies took part in the great Parade of Champions organized by Paris 2024.
As the first Premium Partner of Paris 2024, Groupe BPCE is proud to have supported the largest group of athletes and para-athletes in France: 252 high-level athletes, 136 of whom qualified and took part in the events.
This ultimate celebration will have enabled everyone to show their recognition and admiration and to celebrate, once again, the tremendous success of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
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Groupe BPCE pays tribute to its athletes
Discover in the video the tribute of Groupe BPCE and its companies to their Olympic and Paralympic athletes.
To find all the news, images, and videos produced for Paris 2024