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Monday, 11 december 2023
BPCE L’Observatoire carried out a survey among managers of companies employing between 6 and 499 people in order to obtain a clearer picture of the situation facing the employees of very small or small- to medium-sized enterprises (VSEs/SMEs) who also act as caregivers in their private lives
In all, 23% of managers said they knew that certain people working for their company also had caregiving responsibilities in their private lives, with 14% knowing it for a fact and 9% saying that they were less than entirely certain. It makes sense that when a company employs more people, it increases the probability of having employees who also provide caregiving services, although it should be pointed out that 18% of companies employing between only 6 and 19 people are also concerned by this phenomenon.
For VSE/SME employers, three sets of needs can be identified, each calling for different solutions:
Generally speaking, the VSE/SME managers questioned were aware of the need to adopt a case-by-case approach (52%): very few said they had set up a structured policy (1%), even in the largest SMEs. In 45% of cases, respondents acknowledged that the question of employees with caregiving responsibilities is simply not addressed.
For VSE-SMEs, providing caregivers with support is already a tangible reality but they feel helpless when it comes to going beyond providing case-by-case – and frequently informal – solutions for individual situations. The reasons for this include lack of time, insufficient knowledge of existing support mechanisms, but also the greater potential of these measures to disrupt activities in a small business compared to a larger company. One possible solution would be to move towards a form of pooling of support for employees with caregiving responsibilities organized by the public authorities, associations and/or private entities.
For further details, read the unabridged research findings on this question in the BPCE L’Observatoire on caregivers