An introduction to some of the cultural differences liable to surprise the French Olympic & Paralympic Team when they arrive in Japan! (Ep.4)

Wednesday, 7 july 2021

There exist a number of differences between French culture (and Anglo-Saxon culture for that matter!) and Japanese culture. Thanks to Louis-San, the French athletes will be forewarned about these cultural pitfalls before setting off for Tokyo.

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In a few weeks’ time, the French athletes and para-athletes will be getting ready to fly to Tokyo. To help the French Team discover the subtleties and intricacies of cultural practices in the land of the rising sun, Groupe BPCE called on Louis-San, a famous young Franco-Japanese YouTuber, to produce a web series of seven light-hearted episodes.

In this fourth episode, Louis-San focuses on the cultural differences between France and Japan. And there are plenty of them – ranging from cleanliness to toilets and a sense of community, etc. – but, fortunately, the advice given by Louis-San will enable our French athletes to arrive on Japanese soil without an intercultural worry in the world!

Feel free to watch (or watch again!) the previous episodes:

Episode 1 – Basic Language tips
Episode 2 – Japanese social etiquette
Episode 3 – Eating in Japan