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Friday, 1 april 2022
Natixis Coficiné, a Group subsidiary specializing in financing the film and audiovisual industries, ranks No.1 in the European film financing market.
Continue celebrating the cinematic springtime with the April lineup of films financed by Natixis Coficiné or its Sofica finance companies.
• At The Same Time by Gustave Kervern and Benoît Delépine, with Vincent Macaigne, Jonathan Cohen, and India Hair,
• The Grandmother by Paco Plaza, with Almudena Amor, Vera Valdez, and Karina Kolokolchykova,
• Singing Jailbirds by Etienne Comar, with Alex Lutz, Agnès Jaoui, and Hafsia Herzi,
• Les Gagnants (The Winners) by AZ and Laurent Junca, with JoeyStarr, Alban Ivanov, and AZ,
• A Chiara by Jonas Carpignano, with Swamy Rotolo, Claudio Rotolo, and Carmela Fumo,
• The Sea Ahead by Ely Dagher, with Manal Issa, Roger Azar, and Yara Abou Haidar,
• Vortex by Gaspard Noé, with Françoise Lebrun, Dario Argento, and Alex Lutz,
• Ogre by Arnaud Malherbe, with Ana Girardot, Giovanni Pucci, and Samuel Jouy,
• The Voiceless by Pascal Rabaté, with Yolande Moreau, Gustave Kervern, and François Morel,
• My Afghan Family by Michaela Pavlatova, with Eliska Balzerova, Hynek Cermák, and Berenika Kohoutová,
• Operation Mincemeat by John Madden, with Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen, and Kelly Macdonald.