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Wednesday, 20 october 2021
The results of the 2021 edition of the Growth & Digital Barometer, a survey carried out by Acsel* in partnership with Banque Populaire, were published on September 30.
The previous edition of the barometer survey, published in the midst of the health crisis, highlighted the growing awareness of companies about the importance of digitizing their business activities. These tools are now seen as a real opportunity and the tendency to oppose physical and digital dimensions has become a thing of the past. It is significant, for example, that 53% of the companies surveyed now consider digital solutions to be a way to develop their businesses. But, at the same time, companies are also aware of a massive need for support.
This situation provides a fine opportunity for Banque Populaire to confirm its ability to support the digitization of retailers and businesses with its range of PayPlug, FidPro, Direct & Proche, Proche de chez vous, Prêt Socama Transformation numérique (‘Socama Digital Transformation Loan’), and Innov&Plus solutions.
*ACSEL is the principal multi-sector transversal digital association in France whose mission is to speed up the digital transformation of business organizations.