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Monday, 22 november 2021
Banque Populaire is a partner of the Semaine nationale de la création transmission d’entreprise (National Week for Business Creation & Transmission) organized from November 19 to 26 by the Chambers of Trades & Crafts.
27% of entrepreneurs aged 55 and over are currently thinking about selling or transferring their businesses in the next two years (Pépites study). The transfer of a business (by passing it on to the next generation or by selling it) is a real dilemma in the craft industry, a sector where Banque Populaire is the leading banking partner. Through its network of branches, the bank finances nearly 45,000 creators of new businesses or buyers of existing companies every year.
Discover the personal accounts of three entrepreneurs who acquired existing small businesses and whose ventures were backed by Banque Populaire and its partners, the French Chambers of Trades and the Socama loan guarantee company. Yoann, Sébastien, Anne and Frédéric all decided to take over a small business. Although they reached this decision in different ways, they share the same passion for their trade and are driven by the same ambition to grow their business activities.