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Tuesday, 1 june 2021
Starting on June 1st, Banque Populaire is broadcasting its latest digital film aimed at young people. The video reminds viewers that the bank has taken a whole series of measures to help young people impacted by the Covid crisis.
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Banque Populaire, a bank committed to young people, has been active during the Covid crisis with the rollout of an unprecedented support system. Although an economic recovery now seems to be underway, the bank is convinced that young people still need support to get them back on their feet in better conditions. These students, young graduates, and apprentices are the future generation of active adults, the individuals destined to bring new life and dynamism to our country in the years to come.
This is the message conveyed by the new film broadcast from June 1 to 7, available for replay on digital and social media. The film invites viewers to learn more about the measures adopted by all the Banques Populaires in the different regions. Details about this comprehensive scheme aimed at all young people, whether students or apprentices, can be found on