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Thursday, 21 october 2021
Banque Populaire recently signed a new partnership agreement with the French Federation of Retailers’ Associations*.
With this agreement, Banque Populaire defines itself more than ever as the bank dedicated to retailers, capable of helping them through their digital transformation and guiding them towards modern local retailing services.
The network of Banque Populaire banks wants to take advantage of this new partnership to associate its public image and banking expertise with a drive to boost the commercial attractiveness of town and city centers. This ambition will form the backdrop to the Assises du commerce (Forum for Commerce) to be organized shortly in November.
* Founded in 1957, the French Federation of Retailers’ Associations (Fédération française des associations de commerçants, FFAC) brings together all the local associations of retailers, craftspeople, and service providers. There are more than 6,000 of these associations in France and they contribute to the coordination and economic and commercial development of their territories.
Photo of the signing ceremony:
From left to right, Lionel Saugues, President of the French Federation of Retailers’ Associations and Vice-President of the Confederation of French Retailers, and Bertrand Magnin, Director of Banques Populaires Development at BPCE.