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Friday, 5 february 2021
Groupe BPCE is actively pursuing its commitment to ensuring that people with chronic diseases are not excluded from the workplace
On the occasion of World Cancer Day, Groupe BPCE, which has been committed to the “cancer, chronic diseases, and work” initiative since 2016, took part in the online session of the annual conference organized by the Cancer@Work association.
Can experience with the disease inspire the life of a company? What actions can be inspiring? These were the topics addressed at the conference staged by the association created in 2012 to heighten awareness in the world of work about cancer. The discussions, moderated by Anne-Sophie Tuszynski, founder of Cancer@Work, enabled the speakers to share their experiences and discuss the actions taken within their different companies.
Philippe Triboulet, Director of Diversity and HR Support for Transformation at Banque Populaire Val-de-France, spoke about the actions taken within his bank. He mentioned in particular the organization, in partnership with Cancer@Work, of a meeting with the students preparing a Master’s in Human Resources at the IAE* in Tours aimed at sensitizing them to the importance of including people suffering from chronic diseases in the workplace and, in the process, to make consideration of this social issue an integral part of their curriculum.
Finally, Nathalie Plisson, the director of Cancer@Work, presented the association’s three main projects for 2021: the promotion and coordination of the network of ambassadors, the international development of the association, and the launch of a new campaign to raise awareness of disease in the workplace.
In 2020, Groupe BPCE – working through its 23 companies that have already signed up with the Cancer@Work association, four** of which have been awarded its label – is continuing its commitment via the “Cancer, chronic diseases, and work” initiative run by the Human Resources department.
A few cancer statistics in France
(Public Health France 2018)
* Institut d’Administration des Entreprises (Institute of Business Administration)
**Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne, Banque Populaire Val-de-France, Caisse d’Epargne Centre-Loire, Crédit Foncier.