Cancer@work: three Group companies awarded labels in 2020

Thursday, 19 november 2020

Banque Populaire Val de France, Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne, and Crédit Foncier have all been awarded the Cancer@work Label for their efforts to include cancer sufferers in the workplace.

This certification – created in 2019 and complying with national and international standards for sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, such as the Global Reporting Initiative* – measures and promotes action taken to include cancer sufferers in the place of work. Valid for one year, the Cancer@work Label is characterized by three levels of commitment.

For the first time this year, Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne and Crédit Foncier obtained the first level. Banque Populaire Val de France, which had already received the label in 2019, obtained the third level, which underscores its commitment to sharing best practices and its involvement with stakeholders in the inclusion of cancer sufferers in the workplace.

This commitment forms part of the “cancer, chronic diseases, and work” initiative launched in 2016 by Groupe BPCE’s Human Resources Department to better reconcile illness and work and to raise awareness of these issue among Group personnel and managers. 
At the same time, 21 Group companies have also signed the Cancer@work Charter.

* An NGO created in 1997 that draws up a set of indicators to measure the degree of progress achieved by corporate sustainable development programs, widely used in CSR reports.