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Thursday, 30 march 2023
Changes in the sporting public, transformation of sporting practices, emergence of new aspirations… The way people partake in sport has undergone a radical change over the past ten years.
These are some of the conclusions to emerge from the new edition of the BPCE L’Observatoire report devoted to the sports economy.
The period running from 2010 to 2019 witnessed the development of sporting activities along with a change in the relative popularity of different disciplines. The practice of ball team sports enjoyed dynamic growth (430,000 additional members), certain hitherto ‘star’ sports pursued in associations suffered a relative decline (tennis, horseback riding, judo) while sporting practices became more diversified with the wider adoption of other sporting activities: combat sports (boxing, karate), shooting, climbing, hiking, triathlon, rollerblading, and skateboarding. In 2019, approximately 25% of French people practiced sport in an association, representing a total of some 16 million licensed members.
Want to learn more? These research findings, and many others, can be found here