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Monday, 19 september 2022
The European Sustainable Development Week is an opportunity to take stock of progress made by our actions in favor of the climate, one year after the launch of our strategic plan BPCE 2024.
Groupe BPCE has made commitments in all its business lines to support all its clientele of private and professional customers, large and medium-sized companies, and institutions as they embark upon their environmental transition.
This transition to a more sustainable society and a low-carbon economy implies the need for what are frequently far-reaching transformations in individual and collective behavior and in corporate business models. This is why Groupe BPCE companies provide their customers with all the resources at their disposal in each of their business lines, Retail Banking & Insurance, Corporate & Investment Banking, and Asset & Wealth Management: support and strategic dialogue, implementation of dedicated financing packages, adaptation of product and service offerings, and the ability to forge targeted partnerships around specific expertise.
Throughout the week, three Groupe BPCE customers talk about their environmental projects.