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Tuesday, 29 march 2022
The theme chosen for this 11th annual campaign to heighten young people’s financial awareness was ‘Build your future, be smart about money!’
Organized by the OECD’s International Network for Financial Education (OECD/INFE), this year’s event brought together more than 170 countries and economic areas worldwide. In France, this financial education week (EDUCFI) promoted by the Banque de France ran from March 21 to 27.
All of the Finances & Pédagogie branches were involved in this year’s campaign with about one hundred events staged in the different French regions.
About one hundred events organized at a regional level
In the Brittany-Loire Valley region, an event organized by the Morbihan branch of Banque de France was devoted to the question of entrepreneurship and analysis. It gave students attending the University Technological Institute (IUT) in Vannes an amusing way to revise the accounting and financial concepts they had covered in class but only partially assimilated.
In the Auvergne-Limousin region, students from the Corrèze and Puy-de-Dôme départements attended a presentation on the topic ‘How to approach the question of budgeting with people in financial difficulty?’
In the Occitanie region in southeast France, two videoconference workshops organized under the aegis of the partnership with the CROUS student support organizations were attended by students referred by the social action services of the universities of Montpellier, Nîmes, and Perpignan.
Finances & Pédagogie, an association created by the Caisses d’Épargne in 1957, organizes awareness-building and training activities on topics related to money management skills for young and adult members of the general public at the request of entities active in the social and solidarity-based economy.
Photo caption: Activity based on the game devised by the Bank of France: Entrepreneurial Adventure. This event was staged on the campus of the Vannes IUT on March 21 and facilitated by the correspondent of the F&P association’s Brittany-Loire Valley branch.