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Wednesday, 17 february 2021
For the first time since it was launched just over a year ago, the Entreprendre 2024 program has brought together five Groupe BPCE companies in an operation to promote the Seine-Saint-Denis département and inform the local VSE-SMEs and entities active in the Social & Solidarity Economy (SSE) about the opportunities related to the organization of the Paris 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games.
An administrative district at the heart of Paris 2024
Banque Populaire Rives de Paris, BRED Banque Populaire, the Caisse d’Epargne Ile-de-France, Crédit Coopératif, and Banque Palatine brought together more than one hundred business leaders from the Seine-Saint-Denis département on February 11, 2021 within the framework of the Entreprendre 2024 initiative. The importance of this administrative district is clear considering the central role it plays in preparatory work for the 2024 Paris Olympic & Paralympic Games. It is planned, for example, that it will host not only a large number of sporting events but also house certain facilities such as the athletes’ village (15,000 athletes), the media village (20,000 journalists expected), the aquatics center, and the Olympic stadium.
Getting ready and organized now!
As hundreds of calls for tenders will be issued, it’s important for businesses to get ready to respond to them starting immediately and until the process ends in 2024. Ninety-five percent of the contracts to organize the 2024 Games have still to be awarded, and the Group’s banks will be supporting the very small businesses, small- to medium-sized enterprises, intermediate-sized companies, and SSE players in Seine-Saint-Denis – irrespective of whether they are current or prospective customers – wanting to take full advantage of the opportunities provided by the organization of the Games in France.
A legacy extending beyond Paris 2024
The meeting also provided an opportunity to evoke the concept of ‘legacy’, i.e. everything that the Paris 2024 Organizing Committee would like to leave behind once the Games have finished, in Seine-Saint-Denis in particular. This includes facilities and installations related to environmental protection, education, social inclusion as well as to economic activities with, for example, the Terre de Jeux 2024 label – 37 out of 40 municipalities in the Seine-Saint-Denis département have already been awarded this label – or the preparation centers for the Games themselves. These represent a wealth of opportunities that the administrative district can seize as of today, notably via the two Entreprises2024 and ESS2024 platforms set up to inform companies and SSE entities about calls for tenders.
All business sectors are concerned: catering, cleaning and waste management, security, transport, by-products, logistics, etc.
The initial results are promising but we must keep the momentum going!