For the French, who covers the cost of dependency?

Friday, 15 april 2022

Judging from the answers given by the French respondents taking part in the “Focus on caregivers” research conducted by BPCE L’Observatoire, more than half of dependency-related expenses are covered directly by the individuals concerned or by their family caregivers.

How are dependency-related costs divided up between the different people or agencies involved? According to the respondents in our survey, out of every €100 spent, social welfare covers about €40, the dependent individuals or their family caregivers pay €50 while the remaining €10 comes from various other sources, such as mutual insurance companies or associations. While social welfare payments are not insignificant, they are not considered to be the principal source of funding.

This perception on the part of respondents certainly reflects their tendency to underestimate the sheer scale of public spending, the details of which remain complex and only partly visible, whether in terms of care covered by health insurance, social assistance, tax exemptions, or State-funded support for the medico-social sector. It does, however, reflect French people’s awareness that they will be responsible for financing a large part of their own dependency or that of their loved ones. This deeply rooted awareness is one of the factors encouraging people to set money aside for future contingencies.

For further information

For further information

Consult here the complete study "Focus on caregivers" – May 2021 edition of BPCE L'Observatoire (Only in French)


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