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Tuesday, 26 july 2022
More than just a slogan, it also perfectly expresses the ambition and state of mind prevailing from the very start of the Paris 2024 planning process: the notion of openness.
The Olympic & Paralympic Games will be open to all, a moment to share with the largest possible number of people, a time for sharing new emotions, unique experiences, new sporting disciplines, and powerful thrills. It expresses an openness that will also triumph over differences: differences between disabled and non-disabled athletes in the fact that France will be represented by a single team in all the events; differences between the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games in the fact that both share a single emblem and a single slogan; differences between men and women in the fact that the Olympics and Paralympics will be the games of gender parity.
Openness also means opening up to everyone: all the different regions of France, all types of know-how; openness to all types of energy to organize Games that are useful to others, to enhance the place of sport in our lives, to support the transformation of our territories, to imagine the world of tomorrow, and to create useful solutions for society at large.
It is also the expression of a collective ambition: to be ambitious in our vision for the Games to show the world the very best of France: notably its audacity, creativity, and pioneering spirit that go to make our country what it is. As a Premium Partner of Paris 2024, Groupe BPCE will continue to defend this ambition on a daily basis with all its brands over the next two years and beyond.