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Thursday, 4 november 2021
Can digital technology be sustainable? This question is the topic of the 4th episode of Natixis’ Green Momentum podcasts dedicated to responsible finance.
We don’t always realize it but the digital technology used in manufacturing, distribution, transport, and consumption is also a source of CO2 emissions and pollution.
To respect ethical and sustainable values aimed at promoting the well-being of society and of the environment, business organizations are actively embracing the theme of sustainable digital technology in order to optimize their tools while limiting the negative impacts of these services.
How can we reduce our digital footprint? Is this compatible with our modern way of life?
The two guests of this new issue of Green Momentum – Philippe Derouette, Enterprise Architect for Sustainable Digital Technology at BPCE, and Marie Joron-Mélyon, Sustainable Digital Manager at Natixis – offer their answers to these questions.
Click here to listen to this new podcast… and we also invite you to read the related article: “Time for frugality in a digital era.”