Green Weighting Factor: Natixis innovates in favor of the climate

Monday, 23 september 2019

Natixis becomes the first bank to actively manage the climate impact of its balance sheet with the introduction of a Green Weighting Factor.

All financing granted by Natixis’ Corporate & Investment Banking arm will now receive a positive adjustment when classified as “green” and suffer a negative adjustment when classified as “brown.” Natixis’ ultimate aim is to set its financing on a trajectory consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change and has given itself one year to define precise targets in this area.

François Riahi, Chief Executive Officer of Natixis, presented the Green Weighting Factor in New York on September 23 to coincide with the UN Climate Action Summit and the launch of the Principles for Responsible Banking. He emphasized that “[…] the adoption of the Green Weighting Factor allows Natixis to position itself as a pioneering financial services firm regarding its support for the ecological transition, one of the greatest challenges of our time.

For further information, please click here.