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Wednesday, 10 march 2021
International Women’s Day was celebrated on March 8, providing an opportunity to highlight how women also command a strong presence in the world of sport!
Groupe BPCE, a Premium Partner of the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024, is fully committed to the drive to promote gender equality in sport.
Committed alongside all sports enthusiasts – amateurs, professional athletes and outstanding champions – the Banques Populaires, Caisses d’Epargne, Natixis, Crédit Coopératif, and Banque Palatine are actively engaged in promoting the presence of women in sport. Thus, 44% of the 105 high-level athletes sponsored by the Group’s companies are women. With the Performance Pact Foundation, 67 athletes are given support not only in their sports training but also in the realization of their professional projects through sponsorship, vocational training and retraining activities (link to the site), more than 52% of these individuals are women (35), including 10 para-athletes (29%).
By supporting champion athletes in break-dancing, skateboard, kiteboarding, and rock-climbing, the Group is also helping to promote the development of the four new, creative and spectacular sports to be included in the program of the Olympic Games Paris 2024, the very first Games in the history of the Olympic movement in which the number of competitors will be equally divided between men and women.
Women in the Group’s Performance Pact scheme represent…
Also discover the commitment and actions of Paris 2024 within the framework of International Women’s Day and, below, the film Parité (“Gender equality”) of Paris 2024.
* Figures as of March 1, 2021
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