With the dual objective of making its expertise and business lines more widely known and attracting skilled individuals and prime candidates in IT and digital technology, Groupe BPCE is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with 42, the first free computer science training program, open to everyone without any prior qualification requirements.

First launched in 2020, this partnership allows Groupe BPCE to welcome a team of 10 to 15 students each year within Lab42—the structure resulting from the partnership with 42—with a view to subsequently increasing this number to around 30 per year in the future.

The goals given to participants in the program are to explore, experiment, and pave the way for the industrialization of the projects of the future on a variety of topics such as artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, cybersecurity, and cloud computing, all based on the premise that a good idea can lead to a tangible project.

Concrete results

Since the beginning of this partnership, more than 80 interns have joined Groupe BPCE, and over 40 projects have been examined to advance the interests of the Group’s different business lines. Among the gifted individuals attending this program, nine have continued to work for the Group on permanent contracts and 16 have joined work/study programs within the Group’s various IT and Technology entities. And this is just the beginning!

As the second-largest banking group in France, Groupe BPCE offers a wealth of exciting career opportunities across all sectors of banking, insurance, finance, as well as in IT and digital technology.

The Groupe BPCE personnel involved in this project are proud to continue this fine adventure and collaborative work essential for recruiting and developing our pool of talented individuals.

In the photo from left to right: Laurent Benatar, Chief Technology and Operations Officer, Groupe BPCE, and Sophie Viger, Director of 42.