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Friday, 1 february 2019
To celebrate the start of the Paris 2024 adventure, an in-house mobilization program was launched at Group level with a view to encouraging our employees to become actively involved in these “Games for all.”
Paris 2024 has officially begun! Launched on January 10 under the “IMAGINE 2024” label, an in-house mobilization campaign will offer the employees of Groupe BPCE a wealth of surprises with a view to uniting a team of 106,000 players over the next six years!
A large number of initiatives will be rolled out in the coming months (roadshow presentation in the different regions, call for innovative projects, launch of a digital commitment platform, etc.) and this is just for starters…
All these actions will be opportunities for every Group employee to get involved in the practical implementation of this partnership through their business lines but also through their own sports activities, or even their participation in associations.