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Wednesday, 30 september 2020
Enabling infirm, elderly or isolated people to keep in touch with their families: this was the objective of the #GardonsLeLien (“Keep in touch”) initiative launched by the Simplon Foundation* during the Covid lockdown period. In total, the operation made it possible to distribute tablets and laptops to 950 entities, including 600 nursing homes and 206 hospitals.
Groupe BPCE, a member of the ‘Collective of inclusive companies,’ mobilized its efforts in this area via its IT subsidiary, BPCE-IT. Thanks to its action, 200 tablets have been sent to 31 centers belonging to the Petits Frères des Pauvres (“Little Brothers of the Poor”) network throughout France.
Created on December 18, 2018, this collective for a more inclusive economy in France unites 35 companies around three priorities: promoting access to employment and securing career paths, especially for young people and the most vulnerable members of society; providing day-to-day assistance to people in precarious situations; and developing inclusive purchasing policies. The companies in the collective welcomed 60,000 apprentices in 2019 and are aiming to recruit 70,000 work-study students in 2020.
*The Simplon Foundation, created in 2015, promotes inclusive digital technology at the service of the most disadvantaged people and regions.