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Thursday, 12 october 2023
1,100 Group employees gathered in Canet-en-Roussillon to compete in a friendly, sporting atmosphere. The Sailing Challenge was also staged the same weekend in La Trinité-sur-Mer.
Under a warm summer sun, participants from 39 Groupe BPCE companies came out to run, cycle, play badminton or paddle tennis, soccer, squash or chess, with a number of participants competing in more than one event. After compiling all the results, it was the Caisse d’Epargne Hauts de France that walked away with the Corporate Trophy having fielded 83 competitors (present in the full range of disciplines) and, especially, after winning the soccer cup!
This summer version of the event celebrated the 50th anniversary of Groupe BPCE Sports, following its winter sister event organized at Les 2 Alpes in March earlier this year. The Group’s sports association coordinates the annual Challenges in almost 25 different disciplines, with each challenge organized by a company team on a voluntary basis.
La Caisse d’EparCaisse d’Epargne Hauts de France, winner of the Football Challenge (right) with P. Dubois, president of Groupe BPCE Sports, and B. Gausseron, director in charge of the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024gne Hauts de France, gagnante du Challenge football (à droite) avec P. Dubois, président de Groupe BPCE Sports, et B. Gausseron, directeur en charge des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris 2024
The hundred or so amateur sailors, representing approximately fifteen Group companies, also met in ideal conditions at La Trinité-sur-Mer on the southern Britanny coast. Expertly organized by teams from Natixis Wealth Management, VEGA Investment Managers and Teora by Natixis Wealth Management, the challenge was won for the 2nd year running by the Caisse d’Epargne Midi-Pyrénées.