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Monday, 28 september 2020
The latest study published by the NGO ranks Groupe BPCE among the three financial institutions most actively engaged in promoting European regulations on sustainable finance. This result reflects the Group’s commitment to CSR.
The British organization InfluenceMap* reviewed the activities and statements of 75 financial institutions, 12 finance sector industry associations, and eight corporate industry associations (chemicals, oil, etc.).
Among the financial institutions, the trio of companies standing out for their active engagement in this area notably includes Groupe BPCE, via Natixis and its affiliate Mirova.
As a reminder, in September 2019, Natixis committed to strategically aligning its activities with the sustainable development targets of the United Nations and the Paris Climate Agreement by signing UNEP FI’s Principles for Responsible Banking.
One year later, what tangible results have been obtained?
*InfluenceMap launched its climate lobbying platform on the eve of the Paris Agreement at the end of 2015. The NGO provides data and analyses on how business and finance influence climate and energy policies around the world. InfluenceMap manages metrics on more than 350 companies. It is financed by philanthropic funds and based in London, with offices in Tokyo and New York.