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Monday, 20 april 2020
For more than a month, the members of the Group’s Procurement function have been working to ensure the continuity of their activities and those of their suppliers.
The entire Procurement function lost no time in rallying around to satisfy the demands of Groupe BPCE companies and maintain links with suppliers: firstly, to meet urgent and sometimes unfamiliar needs (as in the area of protective equipment, for example); to manage relations with service providers, which have been rated according to the degree of criticality of their services, paying particular attention to the most financially fragile; and, finally, to ensure that services are paid for as quickly as possible, to support suppliers and to modify contracts if necessary.
A set of documents and instructions are updated on a daily basis and made available to the Group’s different companies in line with a general trend that is speeding up a little more the pace at which services are digitized (electronic signature, electronic transmission and processing of invoices to shorten payment times, tools for teleworking, online training, etc.).
A few figures to illustrate Groupe BPCE’s Procurement function:
• 60,000 suppliers throughout France,
• Approximately 100,000 jobs (expressed as FTE employment)
• €4.6 billion in procurement for the Group (in 2019).