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Friday, 1 december 2023
More than 50 meetings have been held to enable micro-companies, SMEs, and entities active in the social and solidarity-based economy (SSE) to seize the economic opportunities offered by Paris 2024.
In its capacity as a Premium Partner of Paris 2024, Groupe BPCE wants to help make the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024 an operational success. Convinced that the major projects should not remain the exclusive preserve of the largest corporations, the Group’s entities have been pursuing the “Entreprendre 2024” initiative since 2020, in liaison with the Organizing Committee of the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024.
The principle of this scheme is to inform, heighten awareness, and support micro-companies, SMEs, and entities active in the social and solidarity-based economy (SSE) throughout all of France to enable them to take advantage of the economic opportunities generated by the organization of Paris 2024, notably by helping them to take part in the hundreds of tender invitations to be issued up to 2024.
Since its launch in February 2020, more than fifty Entreprendre 2024 meetings have provided companies with all the information they need about the tender invitation process, along with the tools and resources available to help them. These include the Entreprises 2024 and ESS 2024 platforms supported by Paris 2024 and SOLIDEO (Société de Livraison des Ouvrages Olympiques, the public entity responsible for managing structural and development projects for the Olympic Games Paris 2024), enabling companies to be listed, gain access to calls for tender, consult useful information, and bid for contracts.
With less than 240 days to go until the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024, almost 95% of the tenders have already been awarded. Of the 3,500 companies awarded tenders worth over €100,000, 1,460 are customers of Group BPCE entities*. Among the sectors most represented in the tenders are transport, cleaning, and waste management, licensing activities (textiles, souvenirs, etc.), security, catering, events management, training, signage and information systems.
Further invitations to tender will be issued in early 2024. We remain mobilized!
* Source BPCE, end September 2023