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Thursday, 29 april 2021
You’re a young person and looking for a work-study internship in a new company?
If you are, you can count on a warm welcome from the banking industry and from Groupe BPCE in particular because we’re currently looking to recruit students on work-study contracts!
Taking part in a work-study program means you’ll get practical training, learn a profession, and benefit from a tutor’s advice and the support of a whole team. You’ll also be able to discover life in a company, hone your skills, and gain experience in a friendly and professional atmosphere.
In Groupe BPCE, we recruit different levels of students, ranging from undergraduates (2 years in higher education) to graduates with degrees in Banking & Insurance or focusing on the various specialties offered in Master 1 & 2 courses… And we have vacancies in a host of different areas: sales, IT & digital, support functions, etc.
In 2020, 3,700 work-study students joined our Group in locations throughout France… And this year, we have a wealth of new opportunities in vacant positions you can discover on: recruitment.bpce.fr
There’s bound to be one to your taste! 🙂
Let us give you a helping hand to guide you through the process:
Yannis, Bérengère, Ishane, and Kenjha each present their jobs…
Amina, Sylvain, Franck; and Ken, all recently recruited work-study students, talk about their career path and their daily lives in “Your life in banking.”
Rémi, Margot, and Coraline have each made a podcast about their experience: you can listen as many times as you like!
And, if you feel like talking – because human contact in these difficult times is really important – just go to the ‘My Job Glasses’ platform: 50 Groupe BPCE ambassadors have been mobilized to help students choose their future career paths, to answer all their questions about the world of banking, or to give them further details about a particular job.
So we’re looking forward to hearing from you on the Groupe BPCE ‘My job glasses’ webpage where you can chat with our ambassadors!
This year, we launched our first media campaign in partnership with Atlas, the Skills Operator* responsible for our industry, to give students access to all possible career openings in the banking sector in general, and in the Group’s different companies, in particular.
* Skills Operators, or ‘Opérateurs de compétences’ (OPCO) are entities responsible for supporting vocational training and for providing financial support for apprenticeships, helping the different industrial sectors to draw up professional qualifications, and assisting companies to define their training needs.