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Wednesday, 8 july 2020
Natixis, the No.1 bank in the ranking, climbed to the 30th position overall this year.
On July 1st, the French Secretary of State for Equality between Men & Women and the Fight against Discrimination presented the 7th edition of the SBF120’s Palmarès de la féminisation des instances dirigeantes des entreprises (the “top company ranking for the percentage of women in senior executive roles”). Since 2013, this annual ranking lists the feminization rate of the 120 largest French listed companies on the basis of the percentage of women holding senior management positions.
For Natixis, this progress is the result of actions taken to promote equality between men and women. It illustrates the bank’s ambition to build a respectful and inclusive work environment that capitalizes on the diversity of its employees and allows each individual to be heard, valued, and to have an impact.