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Monday, 27 may 2019
Voltalia, an independent electricity producer in Europe, has brought together 12 French and international banking partners led by Natixis for the first responsible syndicated loan signed by a pure player in renewable energy.
This bank credit facility for a total of €100 million – whose interest rate will be pegged to Voltalia’s non-financial performance – includes a revolving credit agreement for an amount of €55 million and a long-term credit agreement for €45 million (1).
The role played by Natixis was that of mandated arranger, sole coordinator, bookkeeper and sustainable development coordinator for the operation. The EthiFinance agency carried out Voltalia’s non-financial analysis to establish its ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) rating.
This operation underscores the joint commitment of Voltalia and Natixis to making companies’ non-financial performance an integral part of their financing solutions.
(1) Both instruments have a maturity of 5 years, extendable to 7 years.
For further details, read the press release: www.natixis.com