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Thursday, 28 january 2021
Experts and specialists from Natixis continue to explain green finance, its challenges and developments. Today, you can listen to the last two podcasts of season 1 of the Green Momentum series.
What Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) approach is being adopted by insurance companies and what support is available for investors?
Episode 5 takes us into the world of institutional investors and focuses on insurance companies that have a role to play in the energy transition. Why is sustainable development important for an insurance company? How can insurance companies contribute to the energy transition? What tools do they have at their disposal? What are the challenges? Two Natixis experts specializing in these questions will share their insights: Mathilde Dufour, Head of Sustainability Research at Mirova, and Maxime Druais, ESG Expert Leader at Natixis Assurances.
How do companies respond to the expectations of the millennials and of the so-called ‘climate generation’?
In Episode 6, Agnès Guiral, Deputy Director CSR at Natixis, and Mélanie Conti, CSR Career & Employer Relations Consultant at Grenoble School of Management, will examine the links between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and human resources. Agnès Guiral, along with Benedicte Bedaine-Renault and Isabelle Forestier, Natixis employees actively involved in green initiatives, will also be joining in to illustrate this theme with their personal experience and to explain how they became aware of the importance of these issues.
Stay tuned! And if you haven’t listened to the previous episodes, you can always catch up by clicking here!