Great success at the Corbeille awards by the “Mieux Vivre Votre Argent magazine”

Friday, 22 september 2023

Five entities of the Groupe BPCE were adjudged prizes in the Corbeille awards presented by the Mieux Vivre Votre Argent magazine.

These awards are assigned to institutions whose funds have achieved the best long-term performance. This new success represents official recognition for the quality of the funds designed, managed, and distributed by the Group. 

Caisse d’Epargne 

  • Corbeille d’Or Réseaux Bancaires (Banking Network Gold Award) 
  • Certificate for the best range of diversity funds over one year 
  • Certificate for the best range of diversity funds over five years 
  • Certificate for the best range of ISR funds over one year 

Banque Populaire  

  • 3rd place in the Corbeille d’Or Réseaux bancaires (Banking Network) 

Natixis Interépargne, a subsidiary of Natixis Investment Managers 

  • 2nd place in the Corbeille Long Terme Épargne Salariale (Long-Term Employee Savings Plan Award) 
  • Certificate for the best management of diversified funds in the employee savings segment over 5 years 

Mirova, an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers 

  • Certificate for Best Equity Management over five years 

VEGA Investment Managers, a subsidiary of Natixis Wealth Management

  • 2nd place Corbeille d’Or for Best Equity Management over one year 
  • Certificate for the best range of ISR funds over one year