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Monday, 2 may 2022
Banque Populaire Val de France is the Group’s first bank to obtain the Afnor diversity label, which it holds in addition to the professional equality label that it has renewed for the second time.
The diversity label, granted for a period of four years and based on particularly demanding appraisal criteria, recognizes the commitment of, and the efforts made by, the Human Resources department, the Diversity & Professional Equality teams, and the social partners to prevent all forms of discrimination in the workplace and to facilitate employees’ professional growth in a healthy and equitable working environment.
This recognition complements the professional equality label, which Banque Populaire Val de France simultaneously renewed for the second time in succession. Fifteen of the Group’s companies hold this other iconic label (also awarded for a period of four years), a fact that testifies to their exemplary performance in promoting respect for equal rights between women and men in their professional activities.