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Monday, 22 january 2024
Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne reveal the names of the first individual bearers of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic flame.
As Official Sponsors of the Paris 2024 torch relays, Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne are getting ready to inaugurate, in just a few weeks’ time and in the heart of their territories, the celebrations around the Olympic and Paralympic games. Today, the two brands reveal the identities of the first individual bearers of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Flame from their respective catchment areas.
These future ‘Forerunners’ – who are all customers, cooperative shareholders, employees, and members of the general public – have been chosen for their inspiring life paths, their commitment to a more united and inclusive society, the initiatives they have taken to protect the environment, or their actions related to sport.
Thanks to its main brands, Groupe BPCE, a Premium Partner of the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024, is proud to be involving its customers, cooperative shareholders, employees, and members of the general public in this exceptional adventure. Thanks to Groupe BPCE, a total of nearly 1,100 individual relay runners will be helping to make a success of this planetary event.
For the first time in history, on each day of the Olympic Torch Relay and Paralympic Torch Relay, ‘team relays’ will also be organized by the Olympic and Paralympic sports federations of the Summer Games. The aim of these team relays is to showcase the sporting community in all of France.
These relays will be organized in teams of 24 people – made up of champions, everyday athletes, volunteers, referees, coaches, representatives of Paris 2024 partners, etc. – to make the energy of sport and collective action shine throughout local and regional France!
Captains have been appointed to lead these team relays, including such French sporting heroes as the windsurfer Charline Picon, supported by Banque Populaire Aquitaine Centre Atlantique, Camille Lecointre, supported by BRED Banque Populaire, or Vincent Milou, supported by BPCE.
Acting as veritable ambassadors of sport, they will do their utmost to represent the long-standing commitments of our two brands, namely: for Banque Populaire, transmission, entrepreneurship, environmental protection, diversity, and support for success; and, for Caisse d’Epargne, sport and women’s participation, cooperation, social solidarity, social inclusion, and housing. We’re on our way to Paris 2024!
For further details:
Read the press releases published by Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne
Visit the Paris 2024 website