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Monday, 29 november 2021
Crédit Coopératif recently co-signed an opinion piece published to encourage social & solidarity-based economy (SSE) entities to reply to Paris 2024 calls for tender.
On November 16, Crédit Coopératif, a Premium Partner of the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024, along with 25 other players in the social & solidarity-based economy (SSE) co-signed a joint opinion piece aimed at encouraging SSE players to respond to the calls for tender launched in relation to the Olympic Games Paris 2024. SOLIDEO (the public entity responsible for managing structural and development projects for the 2024 Olympics) has set itself the goal of awarding 25% of the contracts to VSE/SMEs and SSE entities, and of entrusting 10% of the turnover generated by these contracts to organizations promoting professional inclusion.
The aim of this opinion piece published on the website of the daily La Tribune newspaper is to raise the general public’s awareness of the capacity of SSE entities to satisfy the needs generated by this global sporting event and to invite the companies in question to reply to calls for tender by making use, in particular, of the ‘ESS 2024’ platform. Crédit Coopératif, the benchmark banker for entities active in the social & solidarity-based economy, shares the ambition to make Paris 2024 a sustainable, professionally inclusive and socially supportive celebration of the Olympic Games by closely supporting SSE players in their desire to be fully-fledged contributors to this tremendous sporting event.
SSE organizations are already playing an active role in the exceptional adventure of Paris 2024… but still more can be done! If you represent one of these entities, get involved by registering on ESS2024.org.