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Thursday, 30 june 2022
Groupe BPCE has made climate change a strategic priority involving all its business lines and all its companies. One of the levers for action in this area is responsible digital technology. To respond to this challenge, the Group function dedicated to these issues is using its first plenary session to mobilize its resources.
Digital transformation has had a radical impact on our organizations, our societies and our lifestyles. Today, digital technology plays an essential role in our everyday lives. Not everyone, however, enjoys access to this technology and its environmental impact is growing. Digital technology produces 57 million metric tons of waste per year worldwide. A total of 800kg of raw materials goes into manufacturing a computer weighing just 2kg. The production of electronic devices, the processing of information flows, and data storage together account for 4.5% of greenhouse gas emissions. This percentage is expected to double by 2025.
Reconciling technological development, access for all, and respect for the environment are consequently major challenges for Groupe BPCE and all its companies. As part of its BPCE 2024 strategic plan, Groupe BPCE aims to reduce the carbon footprint of its IT systems by 15% and to improve the energy efficiency of its data centers by 10%. These two ambitious objectives are equal to the challenge… and there are a great many ways to achieve them!
After winning an award for Responsible Digital Technology (Trophées du Numérique Responsable) and after having four of the Group’s data centers certified compliant with ISO 50 001 and 14 001 standards for their energy and environmental performance, the Group’s Responsible Digital Technology team is continuing its efforts. More than 200 participants – including managers of institutions or entities, the heads of business lines (CSR or Purchasing) and contributors to the function – attended the first plenary session organized on June 24. The meeting’s agenda was particularly dense, covering the challenges of digital transformation and the objectives of the BPCE 2024 strategic plan, the available levers for action, the expectations of the entities in terms of responsible digital technology, and a focus on the actions already taken. Responsible digital technology: let’s all play our part!