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Wednesday, 2 october 2019
This year, Groupe BPCE entities have been awarded a total of 5 prizes by the Mieux Vivre Votre Argent monthly business magazine. The prize-giving ceremony was held on September 25 at the Hôtel d’Evreux in Paris in the presence of money management professionals. Presented by the magazine every year, these industry-acclaimed awards pay tribute to the institutions whose investment funds achieve the best long-term performance.
Mirova, which won the 2019 gold prize for management companies (Corbeille d’Or, Sociétés de Gestion), is an asset management company affiliated to Natixis Investment Managers and dedicated to sustainable investment and 100% SRI solutions. It has built its range of investment funds on criteria that combine financial performance with the investment’s underlying environmental and social impact. Last year, Mirova announced that its entire portfolio is on a trajectory consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, limiting global warming to 2°C. This gold prize, given in recognition of the fund’s financial performance, demonstrates the relevance of Mirova’s business model and proves that fine performance and sustainable value are not mutually exclusive.
The Caisse d’Epargne took 2nd place in the 2019 gold prize for retail banking (Corbeille d’Or Réseau), awarded in recognition for the long-term performance of the range of funds managed by the French savings bank. It also won two citations: one for the best range of equity funds and one for the best SRI range. These awards highlight the bank’s expertise in financial savings as well as the quality and diversity of the solutions offered to all its customers.
Natixis Interépargne came second in the 2019 prize for employee savings plans(1) for the quality of management on the “Future” and “Impact” ranges of funds. Awarded prizes in 2015, 2016 and 2017, Natixis Interépargne has achieved long-term performance thanks to the quality and consistency of its range and the unremitting work of its management teams. A pioneer in employee savings and retirement plans for the past 50 years, Natixis Interépargne has 75,000 corporate customers, 3 million investors and 28 billion euros in assets under management invested in employee savings plans(2).
(1) Its approach is based on an appraisal of the offer of more than 200 asset management companies whose funds (equity, bonds, and diversified) are effectively offered to retail investors.
(2) Source: Association Française de Gestion – Dec. 31, 2018, Finansol and CIES