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Monday, 20 july 2020
Since March 28, BPCE’s economists have been providing weekly analyses of the crisis and its socio-economic impacts in France and around the world.
After 4 months of analyzing current events and developments, this economic and societal monitoring report will now come to an end. Here is the last of the monitoring surveys, offering a focus on French societal trends.
The deterioration of the health situation in the United States and in many European and Asian countries is worsening and while it is true that the economic rebound exhibits cyclical characteristics, it is more “technical” in nature.
In France, it seems likely that a 2nd wave of the pandemic will hit but uncertainty remains regarding its size and duration. Globally, it is expected that the health crisis will end in 2021 rather than earlier.
The crisis has modified the values and concerns of the French population (BVA). At present, the question of health is by far the subject of greatest concern to the French in their day-to-day lives, followed by their purchasing power, the environment, and pollution.
A great many difficult issues are emerging, sometimes involving inherent contradictions: the use of digital technology, consumption, work or mobility…