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Wednesday, 12 october 2022
Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB) won two awards from the renowned financial publication The Banker in September 2022 – Investment Bank of the Year for Sustainability and Investment Bank of the Year for Sustainable Bonds.
The Investment Bank of the Year for Sustainability award highlights Natixis CIB’s real contribution to the environmental and social transition across key business sectors and economies. The distinction rewards its efforts to take on board sustainable development challenges in its ESG investment solutions and its range of products and services i.e. green, social and sustainability bonds, loans and securitization, etc. It also applauds the bank’s strategy to manage the transition of its balance sheet and financing deals with the Green Weighting Factor, an inhouse mechanism promoting financing deals with a positive climate and environmental impact and supporting strategic dialogue with clients.
Natixis CIB also won the Investment Bank of the Year for Sustainable Bonds award.
The bank is very active in green bonds, and led two major transactions in October 2021 and January 2022 respectively as sole bookrunner for the issue of its first French green RMBS* to fund low-energy housing, and as ESG coordinator and sole bookrunner for the first sustainable agriculture bond issue by Groupe BPCE to refinance Banque Populaire’s assets in this sector.
It was also global coordinator and sole ESG structurer for Suez in its three-tranche €2.6bn maiden green bond. Transactions incorporating ESG and sustainability criteria soared in 2021 to €104.6bn via 99 deals vs. €53bn across 66 transactions in 2020, and now equate to around one third of the bank’s bond market activities.
*Residential Mortgage-Backed Security