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Tuesday, 11 february 2020
Focusing attention on French companies offering strong growth potential – which, in the coming years, could be valued at more than €1 billion – is the goal pursued by the Trophées des Futures Licornes* (the “Future Unicorn Awards”)* presented on January 29, 2020 in the offices of the Euronext Paris securities market.
The Caisse d’Epargne, a retail bank actively involved in business development throughout France, was a partner of the competition for the second year running.
Accompanying, supporting, and financing
“This partnership forms part of the Caisses d’Epargne’s commitment to accompany, support, and finance innovative companies, and startups in particular. To achieve this goal, we work through our Neo Business and Private Equity initiatives and our network of account managers covering all of France and dedicated to innovation issues (consulting, fundraising, direct investments, etc.),” emphasizes Sébastien Berthelier, Director of Development for the Banque des Décideurs en Région (Bank for regional decision-makers) at BPCE and a member of the Selection Panel for 2020.
Among the lucky prizewinners, it is worth noting that five of the seven outstanding, rapidly-growing jewels of French industry recognized in this year’s competition enjoy the support of regional Caisses d’Epargne: MedDay and Believe supported by the Caisse d’Epargne Ile-de-France, Devialet supported by the Caisse d’Epargne Normandie, and Ynsect by the Caisse d’Epargne Hauts de France. A great success!
* A “unicorn” is a privately held startup company valued at over €1 billion.
Photo©Jean Chiscano): from left to right, Sébastien Berthelier, Director of Development for the Banque des Décideurs en Région at BPCE, and Luca Verre, co-founder and CEO of Prophesee, winner in the Industry 4.0 category.