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Tuesday, 4 june 2019
The Fondation Palatine des ETI, Mécènes Ensemble (Palatine Foundation of Intermediate-Sized Enterprises, Patrons Together) – created in 2018 under the aegis of the Fondation Entreprendre and in collaboration with the Mouvement des Entreprises de Taille Intermediaire (Confederation of Intermediate-Sized Enterprises) – enables the senior managers of intermediate-sized enterprises to join forces and optimize their resources in support of public-interest initiatives.
The Foundation sets out to promote the commitment of private enterprise in favor of greater social inclusion. Two areas for priority action have been identified for 2019: the social reintegration, through entrepreneurship, of former prisoners and people from deprived regions (suburban and rural areas).
For its first call for projects launched in February 2019 thanks to donations collected from intermediate-sized enterprises, the Foundation has selected five associations out of a total of thirty-six applicants: the Apprentis d’Auteuil (an association working with young people suffering from low educational achievement), Entreprendre pour Apprendre (for young people in prison), Grandir Dignement (for young people in conflict with the law), La Cravate Solidaire (for the development of speaking skills and a professional form of attire) and Les Déterminés (entrepreneurship in isolated territories). They will share a funding envelope of 130,000 euros.
For further information about the Fondation Palatine des ETI