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Thursday, 15 july 2021
After providing a rapid overview of social etiquette, food, and the subtleties of the Japanese language, Louis-San now focuses his attention on the traditional sports of Japan.
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In a few weeks’ time, the French athletes and para-athletes will be flying off to Tokyo. To help the French team members discover the subtleties and intricacies of cultural practices in the land of the rising sun, Groupe BPCE asked Louis-San, a famous young Franco-Japanese YouTuber, to produce a web series of seven light-hearted episodes.
The subject of this fifth episode is traditional Japanese sports: sumo wrestling, kendo, judo, and karate… without forgetting what is currently the most popular sport in the land of the rising sun: baseball! “Not all that traditional!” you may say… but it’s an important aspect of Japanese culture that the athletes of the French team should bear in mind if they want to impress their hosts during their stay in Japan!
We invite you to enjoy this new episode of “On the road to Tokyo” without further ado! And, if you haven’t already done so, check out the previous episodes (link to the four previous episodes)!
Episode 1 – Basic Language tips
Episode 2 – Japanese social etiquette
Episode 3 – Eating in Japan
Episode 4 – The cultural differences France/Japan