The story of an encounter… with Guillaume Gibault, founder of Le Slip Français

Tuesday, 5 november 2019

“You want to change the world? Start by changing your underwear!” A somewhat provocative slogan for this company that has taken Made In France as its trademark.

Since its creation in 2011, Le Slip Français has enjoyed rapid growth to reach its current net sales of €27 million euros, 120 employees, 22 stores, and 1.3 million products manufactured… becoming, in the process, a veritable French success story! To pursue its development, the company is now receiving the support of the Caisse d’Epargne Ile-de-France’s Neo Business system, notably through the implementation of the “Innovation Loan” guaranteed by the European Investment Fund (EIF).

Designed to finance all the tangible and intangible expenses required for the launch, industrialization or marketing of an innovation, this loan is one of the key, and distinguishing, features of the Neo Business system. Guillaume Gibault, Chairman of Le Slip Français, looks back on the birth of his entrepreneurial venture and reveals his priorities for the future: innovating and promoting the circular economy, using short circuits, French manufacturing, and exclusively recycled materials.

To watch the interview with Guillaume Gibault