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Friday, 22 october 2021
The question of the circular economy is the subject of the third edition of Green Momentum, the series of podcasts produced by Natixis dedicated to sustainable finance.
Definition of the concept, stage in its development, the sectors impacted, role of both investors and consumers in the use of the circular economy: the two guest speakers from Natixis – Radek Ján, an expert in Infrastructure and Green Finance, and Ashley Blows, Managing Director, Transport & Environment Industry group – tell us a little more about what the circular economy actually is and how it can provide an alternative approach enabling us to limit the squandering of our resources. One thing seems certain: the transition to a circular economy is already underway and awareness of the need for a less wasteful economic model is creating new consumption habits.
Listen to this new podcast here! Also read the related article: ‘A paradigm shift towards the circular economy?’