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Friday, 30 september 2022
L’Equipe de France de basket féminin s’est inclinée en quart de final du Mondial en Australie face aux Chinoises. Mais la compétition a été très riche d’expériences et d’espoir pour la suite du parcours des Bleues les Jeux de Paris 2024.
Outstanding mental attitude
The end of the game against the Chinese was terribly disappointing. Up until then, the players coached by Jean Aimé Toupane had held their ground against the Asians who were the favorites in this world championship quarterfinal. At the beginning of the 4th quarter, the French women took possession of the ball and were leading their opponents 56 to 57.
Thanks to Gabby Williams’ excellent performance and a remarkable Marine Fauthoux – who scored a total of 19 points during the match – the French women were still holding their own against the Chinese with just a few minutes to go. That’s why the final score of 85-71 fails to do justice to the remarkable resistance put up by the Bleues. Unfortunately, this time, they would not be repeating last year’s performance in Tokyo, where they won bronze, or even the 2021 European Championships when they reached the final. But this defeat shouldn’t make us forget the French women’s panoply of fine achievements during the competition.