Sports news

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Breaking news
Groupe BPCESport

Women Entrepreneurship: Banque Palatine presents the new faces of the Women Palatine Project

Banque PopulaireCaisse d'EpargneCorporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCESport

Groupe BPCE rewarded at the 2025 Sporsora Trophies

Banque PopulaireCorporate philanthopy and partnershipSport

Sailing: Louise Cervera... "Sometimes you have to know how to be reasonable, to take things less to heart."

Caisse d'EpargneGroupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

Basketball and Handball: life without Vincent Collet and Olivier Krumbholz

Corporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

Enjoy "The Body in Motion" exhibition!

Banque PopulaireCaisse d'EpargneCSRGroupe BPCENatixisSport

Odysséa Paris: the Group strongly mobilized

Corporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCEHuman ResourcesParis 2024Sport

Aziza Benhami: " You have to believe in your dreams, I'm the proof"

Banque PopulaireCaisse d'EpargneCorporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

Para-cycling World Championships: Léauté, Vergnaud and Bouziani at the top of their game!

Banque PopulaireCorporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCESport

Maxi Banque Populaire XI wins the Finistère Atlantique sailing race!

Corporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCESport

Triathlon and para triathlon: the fun isn’t over yet!

Groupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

A parade for history: Groupe BPCE pays tribute to its athletes at the Petit Palais

Corporate philanthopy and partnershipCSRGroupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

Marie-Amélie Le Fur: “Working to ensure that everyone can find their place”

Caisse d'EpargneCorporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

Tanguy de La Forest, or a lesson in tenacity

Corporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

The greatest Paralympic Games in history

Banque PopulaireGroupe BPCENatixis Investment ManagersParis 2024Sport

The best day in the life of Lucas Mazur

Banque PopulaireCaisse d'EpargneCorporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCENatixisNatixis Corporate & Investment BankingNatixis Investment ManagersParis 2024Sport

Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024: magical moments!

Groupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

Alexandre Léauté's amazing week

Banque PopulaireCaisse d'EpargneCorporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

A straight flush of 3 triathlon medals!

Banque PopulaireCaisse d'EpargneCorporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

Marie Patouillet: forever first!

Corporate philanthopy and partnershipGroupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

Paris 2024: our para athletes take center stage!