CSR: latest news

CSR is given high status in our activities and business lines. This section contains details about various initiatives and projects, large or small, national or regional, undertaken in favor of a more sustainable economy and a more inclusive style of finance.

Featured articles

Groupe BPCE is part of the Tri en Seine initiative

CSRGroupe BPCEHuman Resources

Diversity at the heart of our commitments

CSRGroupe BPCEHuman Resources

Alongside caregivers

CSRNatixis Corporate & Investment Banking

Natixis CIB Green Summit: Supporting the adaptation and competitiveness of territories

CSRNatixis Corporate & Investment Banking

Empowering SMEs: the path to effective CSR implementation

CSRGroupe BPCEHuman Resources

Groupe BPCE highlights the importance of mental health and psychological disorders

CSRGroupe BPCENatixisNatixis Investment Managers

Mirova selected to manage the fund “Objectif biodiversité": a strong commitment to the future

Banque PopulaireCaisse d'EpargneCSRGroupe BPCENatixisSport

Odysséa Paris: the Group strongly mobilized

Banque PopulaireCSRGroupe BPCE

The cooperative and societal footprint of the Banques Populaires

Caisse d'EpargneCSRGroupe BPCE

Caisse d’Epargne CEPAC committed to the energy transition

CSRGroupe BPCEHuman ResourcesInnovation

Groupe BPCE and 42: Renewal of an Innovative Partnership


Covered bond issues: four awards for Groupe BPCE


Groupe BPCE joins act4nature international

Corporate philanthopy and partnershipCSRGroupe BPCEParis 2024Sport

Marie-Amélie Le Fur: “Working to ensure that everyone can find their place”

Banque PopulaireCaisse d'EpargneCSRGroupe BPCENatixis Corporate & Investment Banking

Groupe BPCE supports Waga Energy, leader in biomethane from waste 


Groupe BPCE has reached its 2024 target to reduce its carbon emissions

CSRGroupe BPCEHuman Resources

Groupe BPCE is stepping up its commitment to the inclusion of LGBT+ people

Caisse d'EpargneCSRGroupe BPCENatixis Corporate & Investment Banking

Verkor Gigafactory to arise in France’s “Battery Valley”

CSRNatixisNatixis Corporate & Investment Banking

Strategic autonomy: the opportunities of ecological transition

Corporate philanthopy and partnershipCSRGroupe BPCE

An American stopover for Energy Observer