BPCE Achats

110 avenue de France
75013 PARIS

Phone : + 33 (0) 1 58 40 38 98

Senior management

Jérôme Ballet


Président du Conseil d’Administration

Alain Bensimhon

Alain Bensimhon

Chief Executive Officer


BPCE Achats is an economic interest grouping that acts in the interest of its members – the Banques Populaires, Caisses d’Epargne, BPCE SA and the principal subsidiaries of Groupe BPCE – with a view to optimizing their external charges and thereby enhancing their economic performance.

BPCE Achats coordinates and manages synergies with the purchasing teams of the regionally-based companies by using methods adopted throughout the Group and developing a culture of cooperation at a regional level. It covers all of the Group’s purchasing territories and families, and includes responsible purchasing criteria in its considerations, including metrics for measuring carbon footprints.

In addition, BPCE Achats ensures compliance with the regulations applying to its area of expertise, enabling it to qualify and monitor supplier risks – corruption, anti-money laundering, financing of terrorism, guidelines on outsourcing from the European Banking Authority (EBA), etc. – and to structure, and subsequently deploy, responsible purchasing behaviors.

2022 figures
  • 81
  • 35,997
  • 2
  • €4.1bn