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56 Route De Lavaur
31130 Balma
Téléphone : +33 (0) 5 62 24 73 73
Chief Executive Officer
BPCE Car Lease is Groupe BPCE’s long-term vehicle leasing specialist.
Acting as a genuine service provider (maintenance, assistance, insurance, fuel cards, fleet management, etc.), BPCE Car Lease provides a comprehensive range of services designed to meet the needs and requirements of the Group’s corporate and professional customers. The range of long-term vehicle leasing solutions is distributed through the Banque Populaire Car Lease and Caisse d’Epargne Car Lease brands in addition to its own BPCE Car Lease brand.
Because the vehicle-buying process is becoming increasingly digital and complicated, BPCE Car Lease has created MyCarLease, an online tool providing a smooth vehicle-buying experience, from placing the initial order to ultimate delivery.
With a NPS of +49*, BPCE Car Lease is a rapidly growing player that puts quality at the very heart of its customer relationship.
* Barometer carried out by Enov among 401 customers interviewed by phone from May 16 to June 7, 2024. The Net Promoter Score or NPS is a tool for measuring the customer experience to assess customer satisfaction and loyalty with a company.
Fleet of 47,500 Vehicles in 2024
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